Sunday, June 24, 2007

He's not Whistling Dixie

Rather he's whistling "Excessively Happy Tune." Does he know it? He wrote it! "He" being Peter Ecklund, who is kind enough to introduce Murray Wall the bass player here as "Murray Wall." These fine fellows subbed for my Genial Orleanians at this years New York Ukulele Festival...I give you my "Surly Manhattanites." Forgive my late entry at the beginning. There was free beer at the New York Uke Festival.

This was what was going on when everyone was signing Buster's Picture

Scroll down for Buster's signature page

Tastes like Moon Man Cheese

Actually Moon Man Cheese reminds me of Manchego

With Peter Ecklund and Murray Wall at the New York UkeFest

Sazzie Goes Hawaiian!