Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cheney's I can Support

After you read what's below, just click on the question will take you to the photo.

I'm not much for the Vice President, or his wife, or his daughters. Or his boss for that matter. Here are some Cheney's I can get behind. The Cheney Concert Company and their (oddly) "White House Golden Chimes." I have done some research, they never shot anyone in the face.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tattoo Youk

On the last day of the New York Uke Fest, you might have noticed a wealth of young ladies in the audience for the Ukulele Ike Symposium. That was because the program copy alluded to the showing of Ukulele Ike Tattoos by a couple of real "He-Men," -- Uke Jackson and yours truly. One of those lovely ladies, Jeanette from Holland, was moved to photograph us tough guys. Here we are. UJ in the floral print, me of the atrophied upper arm.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Buster's Uke Fest Get Well Card

At the New York Uke Fest before performing "Buster: Famous Song of Dog" I told the disturbing story of Buster (famous dog of song) losing his tail to a railroad train (as you know it didn't affect his carriage, but it ruined his waggin'). Anyway, I asked those assembled to sign get well wishes to Buster, but to print them as he can't read the'll see here that Buster did not understand all of the inscriptions.

P.S. Woman with sweet Myrna Loy Lips, please contact not contact my wife.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Ukelele: France's Gift To the Musical World

If you have seen my act, you know I am one of the few proponents of the theory that the Ukulele is actually from France, ("ukulele" translates to "small guitar shaped baguette" and was introduced to the United States by soldiers returning from Europe....why do you think they call them "Doughboys"). It's a long story...look it up on the Wiki-waki-pedia. Anyway Owen Holt of RoadToad music (who's ancestors are from Hawaii or somewhere) is a firm believer in my theory. He's building a soprano "French Baguette" uke to commerate Mr. Bastille's famous dinner party (part of the lore)...anyway here are a few pictures of the headstock. Just to be clear it's a "Toad" not a "Frog" waving the flag. A dead one.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Ukulele Ike, 1920

The Ukulele Ike event at the New York Uke Fest reminded me that i had an interesting piece of sheet music...herewith Keegan and Edwards Jazz As Is...