Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Ukelele: France's Gift To the Musical World

If you have seen my act, you know I am one of the few proponents of the theory that the Ukulele is actually from France, ("ukulele" translates to "small guitar shaped baguette" and was introduced to the United States by soldiers returning from Europe....why do you think they call them "Doughboys"). It's a long story...look it up on the Wiki-waki-pedia. Anyway Owen Holt of RoadToad music (who's ancestors are from Hawaii or somewhere) is a firm believer in my theory. He's building a soprano "French Baguette" uke to commerate Mr. Bastille's famous dinner party (part of the lore)...anyway here are a few pictures of the headstock. Just to be clear it's a "Toad" not a "Frog" waving the flag. A dead one.

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